Emily Stamey

Emily Stamey

Senior Software Engineer, Crafty Person, and Eater of Legacy Spaghetti
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· Hey Boss, Event Sourcing Could Fix That!


Emily is a Senior Software Engineer in North Carolina, on the east coast of the United States. Her experience includes supporting and modernizing legacy applications, DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing practices. She is a Director for Women Who Code Raleigh-Durham and a Co-Organizer of Triangle PHP. She enjoys sharing her experiences with others who are maintaining large, legacy applications.

Hey Boss, Event Sourcing Could Fix That! (Talk, EventSourcing 2020)
by Emily Stamey

Event Sourcing is a powerful tool for our application architecture, but sometimes it can be a tough sell to leadership. We will discuss a few large-scale legacy applications and how event sourcing solved the problems of these applications. These projects included full refactors as well as adding event sourcing to an existing application. Understanding the pitfalls in these legacy applications and the ways event sourcing helped us overcome them, will help you discuss these challenges with your own teams and to justify using event sourcing to your boss!

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