François Royer

François Royer

Principal Consultant at Guanxi Labs
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· Finance & Cashflow Modelling with DDD


François is passionate about problem solving using software and corporate jiu-jitsu, and also breaking down the divide between IT and Business people (with a good dose of ubiquitous language, mutual respect and craft cocktails)

Finance & Cashflow Modelling with DDD (Hands-on Lab, Main Conference)
by François Royer

(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity. You should receive an invitation to sign up for your favourite session at latest one week before the conference. Capacity of this session = 20)

Finance seems to be a sweet spot for DDD in the enteprise world. If your audience is the CFO or the finance team, chances are they already are well versed in ledgers, journals, and transactional logs.
The objective of this talk is to give you a clean template to introduce DDD to finance folks, and expand from there to convince more collaborators to use its concepts and rediscover their processes and systems.
We'll go through a concrete example of cashflow modeling and forecasting using DDD and Event Modeling, and end up with a real, interactive cashflow simulator.

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