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· Event Log Architectures: When quality matters
Martin is a Java Champion with 25+ years of experience building complex and high-performance computing systems. He is most recently known for his work on Aeron and SBE. Previously at LMAX he was a co-founder and CTO where he created the Disruptor. Prior to LMAX Martin worked for Betfair, content companies with the world largest catalogues, and some of the most significant C++ and Java systems of the 1990s.
He blogs at, and can be found giving training courses on performance, concurrency, and distributed systems when he is not cutting code to make systems better.
Event Log Architectures: When quality matters
(Talk, EventSourcing 2020)
Martin Thompson
Many terms get thrown around when it comes to designing around a central log. You'll most likely will have heard of event sourcing, command sourcing, CQRS, event driven, etc. What about replicated state machines?
This talk will explore architectures which have emerged based on event logs, what they are useful for, and consequences of different approaches. The focus will be on the quality attributes such as fault tolerance, scalability, operations, integration, and development concerns.