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· Context Maps - practically applied
· Visualizing sociotechnical architectures with Context Maps
Michael works as a Fellow for INNOQ in Germany. He has over 15 years of practical consulting experience in software development and architecture. His main areas of interest are currently Domain-driven Design, Microservices and in general Software Architectures. Michael is the author of the Leanpub book "Hands-on Domain-driven Design - by example" (Leanpub) and a regular speaker at national & international conferences and meetups.
Context Maps - practically applied
(Hands-on Lab, Main Conference)
Michael Plöd
(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity. You should receive an invitation to sign up for your favourite session at latest one week before the conference. Capacity of this session = 30)
Context Maps try to illustrate the contact between bounded contexts on a formal level in a holistic view. In addition to the usual supply and service relationships, organizational aspects and team dynamics are also very important. The hands-on starts with a short introduction to the Context Map's Patterns as well as the meaning of team relationships. After that we will work on a sophisticated case-study in order to apply the theory in practice. The workshop consists of 15% theory and 85% hands-on practice. During the practical part we will weigh in on a lot of pros & cons for certain patterns and I will showcase a lot of tradeoff discussions that will occur when working with Context Maps.
A rough knowledge of DDD and bounded contexts would be desirable. The participants won’t need to prepare anything but attending my talk on the topic in the morning is a plus
Visualizing sociotechnical architectures with Context Maps
(Talk, Main Conference)
Michael Plöd
When designing a system, we usually make sure to document the technical integration towards other systems. We thereby make call- or consume-relationships explicit. This approach ignores an important aspect, which often is hidden implicitly: the other teams who are owning these systems and their domain models. However, we must consider the impact of teams, organizational aspects and political dynamics.
Context Maps, are a part of strategic Domain-driven Design and aim at delivering a holistic overview over such sociotechnical architectures. They make the implicitly hidden organizational dynamics explicitly visible. This talk introduces you to the motivation and the benefit for Context Maps. It also digs deep into the patterns which explain various relationship-types between systems, teams and the associated domain models. The talk concludes with a consistent visual representation of Context Maps in practice.