Sara Pellegrini

Sara Pellegrini

Passionate learner
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· DDD and Event Sourcing: better together!


Sara Pellegrini is an enthusiastic and proactive IT professional who specializes in analysis, design and development of web applications with experience in agile software development methods. Able to see things from a different perspective, with an all-around approach to software development, from coding skills to high-level architectural view. Since she joined AxonIQ, she focuses on the development of Axon Framework and Axon Server.

DDD and Event Sourcing: better together! (Talk, EventSourcing 2020)
by Sara Pellegrini

CQRS and DDD are concepts that can be used completely independent of each other. They are also known for reinforcing each other. In my case, applying CQRS has significantly improved my understanding of Domain Driven Design, allowing me to write more cohesive and less coupled code and provide better techniques for discovering boundaries in contexts.

In this presentation, we go through some of the specific elements from how we applied CQRS, and how each of them has an impact on how my colleagues and myself improved our outcome.

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