Thomas Coopman

Thomas Coopman

Software Consultant
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· Eventstorming from Scratch
· Playing With Projections


Thomas Coopman has been fascinated with computers since he was a kid. Playing around at first, became programming later and after learning some programming for himself and a small detour starting studies for nursing, he went on and studied Master of Informatics at the KULeuven.

Thomas is a polyglot and loves to learn new languages. His latest language studies have taken him to Elixir, Elm, Bucklescript and he has a special affinity for functional programming languages.

Thomas is an independent software engineer and consultant focused on the full stack: frontend, backend and mostly people, practices and processes. Thomas is also currently active in the DDD Belgium and Software Craftsmanship Belgium community.

Eventstorming from Scratch (One Day Pre-conference Workshop)
by Thomas Coopman

EventStorming is a highly collaborative method for modelling domains and solve real business problems. Software Engineers, Product Owners, Analysts, and Domain Experts, work together to

* explore a complex business;
* visualize it using large surfaces and sticky notes
* and use it to build better software, with an architecture that matches the problem space.

# Contents

In this 1 day workshop we’ll walk through a business problem to learn the basics of EventStorming.

We’ll start with a Big Picture EventStorming, using domain events to map out the business processes. While working, we’ll gradually add more and more information and go into deeper problems.

Adding commands and rules to the model will guide the learning process and help surface problems with the solution. By this point we’ll be able to explore the full potential of this temporal modelling technique to help us discover deeper insights about the domain, build our shared knowledge and guide us to better solutions for business problems.

In the last part of the workshop the focus will even go into more detail about the model. What can we learn from what we have modelled and how can we actually start using our newly gathered knowledge. How can we link this information to other techniques we know. For example, can we gather user stories, find acceptance tests or discover even more by using different ways of modelling?

At the end of the day you’ll walk away with the knowledge to use this collaborative modelling technique to solve problems, build shared understanding and learn the domain wherever you need it.

# Participant Requirements

Join if you

* ...have some experience working in a software development team
* ...are ready to get your hands dirty!

You don't need knowledge of any particular programming language or technology.

Playing With Projections (Hands-on Lab, Main Conference)
by Thomas Coopman, Michel Grootjans

(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity. You should receive an invitation to sign up for your favourite session at latest one week before the conference. Capacity of this session = 72)

In this session, you will be working for an online Quiz Platform. Based on the full event history of the past years, you will have to answer to business questions, like: did our last ad campaign have any real impact, are we targeted by spammers, what kind of new campaigns should we launch? To solve these problems, you will need to transform the event stream to a structure, a projection, that can answer these questions.

This is a hands-on session where you will be coding. You will be implementing projections based on an event stream we provide. Don’t forget to bring your laptop or be prepared to pair with someone else. Mob programming would be awesome. This is not an advanced workshop, so everyone can progress at their own pace, but you do have to be able to write code (if you can’t code, but you find a coder to pair with, that’s of course fine)!

We provide clients in several languages so you can start answering the business questions very swiftly.

Bring a laptop with java, c# or JavaScript (if you don't bring your laptop, you can pair with someone)

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