Consultant, crafter and coach at codecentric
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· Test Driving Your Domain Core
Tobias started his career as a freelance web developer in 1997, and has since worked on hundreds of smaller and larger projects, from a few days to several years, in a variety of roles, contexts, and industries. He is a survivor of no less than three major technology hypes, and eventually decided to focus on topics with a less volatile lifespan - Lean, Agile, Software Crafting and DevOps.
Having found a home as a consultant, crafter and coach at codecentric in 2014, he strives to help customers to build and improve not only their product, but also how it is made.
He is a passionate advocate for collaborative work environments, knowledge sharing, and diversity.
Tobias is a father of two and loves music, books, movies, and little dogs.
Test Driving Your Domain Core
(Hands-on Lab, Main Conference)
Tobias Goeschel
(This is a hands-on lab with limited capacity. You should receive an invitation to sign up for your favourite session at latest one week before the conference. Capacity of this session = 28)
Depending on your chosen platform and implementation model, keeping a domain core thoroughly tested and prepared for late-project changes can become tricky and cumbersome:
Tying your tests too closely to the implementation can make them brittle and costly to maintain, integrated tests are hard to change and keep useful - just to name a few common issues.
In this workshop, you will:
- Get a quick introduction to Outside-In TDD
- Test-drive an OO implementation of an aggregate and repository
- Learn when to mock and when to use collaborators
- Experience the effect of Tell-Don't-Ask
- Find out what happens when we introduce CQRS and EventSourcing
Prerequisites: A solid understanding of Java, JavaScript, or your favorite object-oriented programming language (though this may mean you will have to translate the examples, sorry), and a laptop with ready-to-work IDE.